Stirring Faith
Stirring Faith with Cheri Strange is a conversation designed to help awaken and inspire a desire for God into your everyday life, making Him more evident and desirable to others.
Stirring Faith
How to Lead Well
Cheri Strange
Season 4
Episode 411
This is not another seminar on the latest or greatest Just Trust Me gimmicks for how to get ahead in your business or organization. Instead, it's a look at what Jesus taught about how to lead and how he led that demonstrates for us how to lead well. Whether it be the local PTA, the neighborhood gardening club, a church ministry, or a corporation, there are elements to emulate from Jesus available to us in Scripture. Cheri offers five in this episode.
Don't forget to pick up your free resources to go along with the series, Truths Jesus Taught, at the top bar at sheyearns.com.