Stirring Faith
Stirring Faith with Cheri Strange is a conversation designed to help awaken and inspire a desire for God into your everyday life, making Him more evident and desirable to others.
127 episodes
Do you ever feel as if God has changed his mind? Decided against you? Chosen someone else? Does he even still speak? Maybe He's moved on past you? Well, if so, you wouldn't be alone. Tune in to this final episode in season 4 to find hope....
Season 4
Episode 413
How to Fight the Enemy
You know the feeling. The deep depression. The knowledge that you just did WHATEVER you didn't want to do, again. The sense of defeat can be overwhelming. How can you ever get on the winning side? Is there even a way? To these questions a...
Season 4
Episode 412
How to Lead Well
This is not another seminar on the latest or greatest Just Trust Me gimmicks for how to get ahead in your business or organization. Instead, it's a look at what Jesus taught about how to lead and how he led that demonstrates for us how to lead ...
Season 4
Episode 411
How Do I Pray?
If someone were to ask you if you were a prayer person, you would likely say, "Yes." But if that same person were to ask you if those prayers were effective, or if you believed God even heard them, there would likely be a very different respons...
Season 4
Episode 410
What if I Doubt?
Have you ever doubted your faith? If not, you are in the minority. The truth is, most of us question what we believe and why we believe it more than we would like to admit. So what do we do when we doubt? And how can we be certain after we have...
Season 4
Episode 409
6 Truths Jesus Taught We Like to Forget
Let's be honest. There are a lot of things Jesus offers to rally around. Unmerited Grace. Mercy. Forgiving everything we have ever done or ever will do, forgetting it, AND taking the punishment for it. But then there are some aspects of being a...
Season 4
Episode 408
5 Reasons to Believe Jesus is The Way
It sounds exclusive. Call it narrow. Anyone holding to a religion that accepts teaching that there can be only one way to God, is definitely small-minded, according to current cultural tides. The problem is, this belief is fundamental to basic ...
Season 4
Episode 407
15 Ideas for Loving Your Neighbor
Frank Burns from the t.v. show M.A.S.H. once said, "It's nice to be nice to the nice." I think those were the sentiments of the lawyer who questioned Jesus about who exactly was his neighbor. But the answer Jesus gave was not in line with Frank...
Season 4
Episode 406
7 Ways to Fall in Love with God
One of the most important things Jesus taught was to love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. How does a person set out to do this? What does it look like in everyday life? Today this episode looks at s...
Savoring Jesus in Everyday Life
We have been talking about desiring more of God for the past several weeks. As the series comes to a close, we need to bring it all together to consider what it looks like in real, everyday life to live like you mean it. What characterizes a pe...
Season 4
Episode 404
When I Don't Yearn for God
What about those times when I don't desire God? Where does that leave me? What do I do? And how do I move beyond it? It's a very real place for a lot of people, and we need to know what to do when we feel this way. In today's episode, we answer...
Season 4
Episode 403
How to Desire More of God
If we know we should yearn for or desire more of God, how exactly does a person do it? What does it look like? And how do we go about it today and tomorrow in our lives? These are the questions we are seeking to answer in our first series of 20...
Should I Yearn for God?
Welcome to Season #4! Our theme for the month is Desiring God. The first question we should ask is whether or no this is even something a regular Christian should do? And how do you know if you are, or when you are not longing or yearning for m...
Season 4
Episode 401
How to Calm an Anxious Heart
Are you a worrier? 2020 has a lot of us biting our nails to see it through. What do you do with your anxiety? How do you find the way to trust God for all that has you in turmoil? Because the world is so cray cray, now is a good time to focus o...
Season 3
Episode 830
Game Plan to Finish Strong
I know. You are more than ready to say farewell to 2020. The next year promises to be more full of sunshine and hope-filled days. Rather than pulling up the covers and sleeping through the end of the year, let's make our time count and leave 20...
Season 3
Episode 829
5 Transformational Reads for 2020
I know. You want 2020 to just go away. It's been too much. I get it. Before you pull the covers over your head and pray for January, let's do something that will make an eternal difference. Take a look at these five transformational must-reads ...
Season 3
Episode 827
Making Fitness an Act of Worship
What? Planks not your fav? The thought of running give you the blues? So maybe you are not going for Best Body 2020, especially with all the quarantine snacking, but have you ever considered maintaining a fit and healthy body as more than selfi...
Season 3
Episode 827
Five Essentials to Prioritizing Your Time
The end of the summer ushers in a list of too many things to get done in a day or even a month. How do we get it all done or know what to focus upon or leave undone? What is the best thing to pursue? What can go? These are daily quandaries. Tha...
Season 3
Episode 826
Prioritizing Your Time
How are you going to get it all done? It's that time again. The list-making. The rushing around. The feeling that you are never enough is slowing edging back in. Add a pandemic and it's the perfect making of stress overload. If you could just g...
Season 3
Episode 825
5 Ways to Get Unstuck
Have you been there? You know. Stuck. In the same place. Going nowhere. Lost your MoJo place? When you find yourself in this familiar place it's hard to get UnStuck. In the episode we will discover five strategies for moving beyond this difficu...
Season 3
Episode 824
Powerful Prayers for Your Son
Raising twin boys has brought challenges mixed with the gammat of emotional responses. Thankfully the Bible is rich with insights and help for how to navigate our prayers when it comes to aiming boys toward loving God with their lives. In this ...
Season 3
Episode 823
5 Powerful Prayers for Your Daughter
In the middle of uncertainty and the mundane, your daughter is going through a lot, just like you. How can you pray for her? What does she need most? Today, this PhD mother of six daughters brings to light five essential prayers for your daught...
Season 3
Episode 822
Becoming a Stronger You
Do you ever feel weak? Weak in the knees? Have you looked at the waggle in your arms lately? Wouldn't you like to become a stronger you? Can you believe the Bible encourages you to become a stronger version of yourself? What does it take and ho...
Season 3
Episode 821
Dangerous Apps You Need to Know About
Hey there, Mom! There's some stuff you need to know about. It's scary. And it might be on their phones. If it's alarming to the general public, then any Christian mom definitely needs to up her game. Go ahead and get well on your way t...
Season 3
Episode 820
5 Keys to Powerful Prayer
Feeling like your prayers are going nowhere? Does it seem like God doesn't see you or hear you? Why does it feel like God answers some people more than others? Is there something you are missing? Some formula or secret? Questions like these hau...
Season 3
Episode 819